Adventoo #9 – Mr. Ice


Adventoo #8 -Der Vortrag


Adventoo #7 – Das Logo ist fertig



Interview with Selina Miles

A few days ago this video by Selina Miles popped up in many social networks. Because I loved the dynamics of the video and the way it gives the process of Painting a new dimension, I asked the woman behind the video a few questions.


Tell us something about you and your work.

I’m a 26 year old director from Brisbane, Australia. I am interested in exploring techniques that manipulate time, space and light, and show that which can’t be seen with the eye.

What does inspire you?

I think the most effective way to stay inspired is to keep moving always, either through travel or through always pushing ideas forward and not getting stuck on one thing for too long. I vibe off other people, if I am surrounded by people who work hard and are creative, I feel more energised and more inspired. They say you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I really believe this.

Could you explain the process of doing the shot of „SOFLES | LIMITLESS“ to us? Was there a big plan or did the artists just make it all up on the go and you followed them?

„Limitless“ is a 5 minute film featuring a combination of stop-motion and hyperlapse techniques, documenting the process of 4 artists as they take over a huge abandoned warehouse space.
This film is actually a sequel to another video entitled [„Infinite“]( that I shot during a holiday in Portugal earlier this year. Sofles and I had seen some success with „Infinite,“ it was really well received within the graffiti community but didn’t go much further. We knew we wanted to make another video, with bigger and better artwork and production.
We brought some more artists on board, Fintan Magee who is making quite a name for himself both as a gallery artist and a street artist, and Treas and Quench from a more traditional graffiti background.

I think many people are baffled as to how I achieved the smooth camera motion. It wasn’t a motion track of any kind. I shot the whole project on my Canon 6D using a cheap tripod and a 3-wheel dolly. The intro was shot on a Sony FS700.

What is the video you would make if you had all resources you needed for it?

That’s a secret, as I’m hoping one day I will get to make it, and can’t give it away just yet! :)

What do you want to express through your art?

I want to make people happy and remind people not to take life too seriously.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Hopefully still travelling and creating. If you consider the direction technology is heading in, expanding exponentially in every direction, I think it’s impossible to conceive what any of us will be doing in 10 years.

Which is a website, a book or an artist everybody should know about?

A website everyone should know about is It gets me amped up every morning.

What‘s your message for the world?

No idea, when I figure it out I’ll let you know.

Thank you very much.

Adventoo #6 – Die Konkurrenz


Adventoo #5 – Erster Erfolg


Adventoo #4 – Twitter
